I provide individual psychotherapy for adults struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship difficulties, and life changes.



I view psychotherapy as a pathway to self-discovery, growth, and change. In my practice, I provide a safe, warm, and supportive environment where you can speak openly without fear of judgment. My theoretical orientation is primarily cognitive-behavioral but I tailor therapy to best suit your needs by drawing from a variety of evidence-based approaches. In addition to CBT, I am certified in Cognitive Processing Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. During our sessions, we will set collaborative goals that are based on what is most important to you. We will explore those factors contributing to your problems and work together to modify certain behavioral and thinking patterns that might be unhelpful or self-defeating. I will provide the guidance and structure needed to help you "connect the dots", achieve greater insight and acquire skills to better manage your emotions, behaviors, and relationships. Along with learning new tools and coping strategies, we will identify what is already working for you and build on your personal strengths. My goal is that you will gain clarity, relief, and a renewed sense of purpose from our work together. 


As a Middle Eastern woman and first-generation immigrant who was raised in a war-torn country and moved to the United States as an adult, I recognize the unique challenges that those adjusting to a new culture or other life transitions may face. I have learned to adapt to the needs of the diverse population I serve, with cultural humility as an important guiding quality in my practice. My passion is to work with women, immigrants, minorities, and LGBTQ people so they can lead a more empowered and fulfilling life. I am fluent in Arabic and French.   


The first session consists of gathering information about why you’re seeking care and starting to formulate ideas of how best to help you. We will identify attainable goals to work toward together and mutually determine if my therapeutic style is a good fit for your personality and your goals from therapy. Subsequent sessions will likely focus on learning new coping strategies and skills. In each session, we will start with reviewing any homework or processing that took place in-between sessions. As I often tell my clients, “The real work towards change happens outside of our sessions.” In other words, your commitment to practicing these skills in your daily life is essential.

I encourage you to begin with weekly 45-minute therapy sessions. Research has shown that most clients receive maximum benefits from individual therapy within 12-20 sessions. I am currently offering secure, confidential, HIPAA-compliant video therapy.